Ask the Professional: Nutritionist’s Advice on Managing Anxiety

Posted by | March 23, 2010 | Blog | No Comments

Your Question: Dear Dr Diana,
Are their any current treatments or suggestions for anxiety?

The right food can improve your physical and mental health

We now know that a healthy diet can help prevent diseases (osteoporosis, heart disease, and cancer), but not everyone realizes that good food can strengthen our mental health.

Yes, what we eat could have a great impact on our emotional state.

Eat more folate (naturally occurring form of Folic Acid) found in dark green leafy vegetables (spinach, antioxidant-rich broccoli and Brussels sprouts), dried beans, bananas, oranges, sunflower seeds.

Eat whole-grain unprocessed breads and cereals, and try to stay with low gluten or gluten free – brown rice, quinoa, Kamut, and amaranth. Also include in your diet asparagus and avocados; dried fruits, such as apricots and figs; lots of fresh fruit, such as apples, berries, melons; sea vegetables, such as dulse; garlic and onions; red peppers; raw nuts and seeds.

These foods supply your body with valuable minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, which get depleted by continuous stress, and will give your body the raw material it needs to maintain good mood, strength and stamina.

Eat small and frequent meals to control hypoglycemia.

Get tested for food allergies. Food allergies and hypoglycemia are both common in people with anxiety disorder, and can promote attacks.

Lower your intake of animal protein.

Avoid all foodstuff containing refined sugar, caffeine and carbonated soft drinks. Cutting out alcohol and tobacco will allow you to get the maximum benefits from your nutritional therapy.

Get regular exercise – a brisk walk, bicycle riding, swimming, aerobics, or whatever fits your lifestyle.


• SAM-e
• B complex with extra B1, B6, B12
• Omega3 DHA
• Calcium and Magnesium (one-to-one ratio), Magnesium (at night)
• Zinc
• Vitamin C and Vitamin D3
• a good quality Multivitamin and Multimineral formula
• Whey protein isolate, rice or hemp protein
• Greens supplement.

A healthy diet plus suitable nutritional supplementation will be of great benefit in ameliorating overall anxiety, by reducing frequency and intensity of panic attacks.

If you are taking anxiety medication, consult with your doctor before making any change.

Flora Zorn, R.H.N.
Registered Holistic Nutritionist