Acupuncture is a distribution of “vital energy” through key points within our body’s pathways, called “Meridians or Channels”. These “Acupoints” are stimulated and send energy along these “Meridians” by fine, slender needles.
This technique of inserting and manipulating fine filiform needles into specific points on the body may seem strange and mysterious to many, but it has been time tested over thousands of years and continues to be validated today. The objective is to promote health and alleviate pain and suffering on the concepts of “vital energy,” “energetic balance” and “energetic imbalance”.
Just as Western medical doctors monitor the blood flowing through blood vessels and the messages traveling via the nervous system, an acupuncturist assesses the flow and distribution of this “vital energy” within its pathways, known as “meridians and channels”.
Acupressure is derived by blending Acupuncture and pressure and takes its roots from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) which started well over 5,000 years ago in Asia. In Acupressure, physical pressure is applied to Acupuncture points by the hand, elbow or other devices. There have been several reviews of Acupressure clinical trials which for the most part have concluded with tremendous effectiveness.
Acupressure is used for treating various ailments. In the western world it is predominantly used to relieve pain, reduce stress and tension, as well as to improve a persons overall well being. In China people use it everyday as a remedy for colds, headaches, sore muscles and even hangovers.
Acupoints used in treatment may or may not be in the same area of the body as the targeted symptom. The theory behind the selection of these points and their effectiveness is that they work by stimulating the body’s meridian system to bring about relief by rebalancing yin, yang and qi. This theory is based on the paradigm of Traditional Chinese Medicine.