Dear Dr Diana, How can I get a better handle on my hormones? The question arises from each session, with each client, and almost every health issue brings us to hormones…
MNHC Naturopathic & Medispa
Hormonal imbalances is not only an older women’s problem, it has affected men as well; and now it is affecting both females and males at any age, with different symptoms…
Dear Dr Diana How can I get a better handle on my hormones?Hormonal disorders, also called endocrine disorders, are illnesses that occur when the body releases too many or too…
Your Question: I love to spend time outdoors, but in Spring I’m always congested and I suffer from sinus headaches. I figured I have seasonal allergies. How do I get…
TCM ANALYSIS: TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)has been used to treat allergies for hundreds of years, and the results have been remarkable for allergic conditions such as asthma, eczema, and food…
Dear James, Can my allergies be released from my body through the mind/body connection? Answer: An allergic response is a reaction that your immune system has to certain substances. If…
Dear Dr DianaAre there any natural treatments for allergies? If you suffer with seasonal allergies, you are well aware of how a sudden onset of scratchy and watery eyes, violent…
How Can I improve my Skin?The most popular approach to healthier skin is the use of creams and potions. It been known that most of these creams and potions work…
Your Question: Dear Dr. Diana,I was wondering how I can improve the texture and look of my skin? Happy thoughts, healthy foods, physical activity and good sleep will all contribute…
Dear Dr DianaI was wondering how I can improve the texture and look of my skin? You may have heard it said that your skin is one of your largest…